Happy Anniversary

If you asked me 25 years ago if I’d be married, I’d ask you what you are smoking. Never saw myself getting married. EVER!

Jim and his mom

Jim came into my life in 1997 and things just never were the same. I mean that in the best way.

We cleaned up well on 8/31/2002, and this can be seen up here on our wedding picture with Zushie.

Jim, Zushie girl and Kasia

Our family grew over the past 18 years.We lost our Zush 3 years ago, but we got Kasia 11 years ago. We are all getting older, but at least we are still together.

I can think of no better spouse, Pandemic partner and best friend. Sure, we bicker once in a while, but there is no one I’d rather be on this journey called life with. I have been blessed with a terrific guy.

Kasia and I love you very much.❤️